Graham Lomas, Chairman Graham first became involved in local issues when the Coulsdon Green Belt Action Group was formed in 2005 with the remit of raising funds to buy Woodplace Farm Fields. After a successful campaign the fields were handed over to the City of London and are now open to the public. Graham was chair of the Neighbourhood Partnership organised by Croydon Council from 2005-2007. Graham is a founder member of the Friends and took over the Chair in 2011. Under Graham’s leadership the friends have become involved in a wider range of projects to raise the profile of the North Downs, of which Farthing Downs is a valuable part.
Councillor Margaret Bird, Vice Chairman Margaret is a Vice Chair of the Council Licensing Committee and serves on several children, young people and families groups. She is an Academy Councillor at Oasis Academy Byron and Vice Chair at Davidson Primary. Margaret is a founder member of the Friends of Marlpit Lane Bowling Green who campaigned succesfully to keep the Bowling Green in Coulsdon Memorial Park open by using volunteers. Margaret joined our Committee in June 2015 and was elected Vice Chairman at the November 2015 AGM.
Pauline Payne, Secretary Pauline has been an active member of East Coulsdon Residents’ Association since 1990, and has been Secretary and Chairman as well as having edited ECRA’s quarterly newsletter ‘The Review’ for 23 years. Pauline is a founder member of the Friends and took on the role of Secretary at its inauguration. Pauline produces the Friends newsletter and arranges and organises events.
Ian Payne, Treasurer Ian joined the Friends as Treasurer in 2011. As a Croydon Councillor for twelve years, Ian served on many committees, was Cabinet Member for Economic Development and chaired the cross-county Downlands Countryside Management Project Steering Group. Ian is on the Council of the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society holding the Presidency from 2013 to 2015.
Jayn Harding Jayn is an active member of the Coulsdon Green Belt Action Group and played a major role in the campaign to save Woodplace Farm Fields. Jayn joined the Friends Committee in 201l. Jayn is a keen photographer and a selection of her photos of the Downs can be seen on this website. Jayn looks after our out-reach activities.
Maureen Levy Maureen has been Secretary and Planning Officer of East Coulsdon Residents’ Association since 2006. Maureen joined the Friends Committee in 201l to set up the Friends website. Maureen advises on planning issues affecting Farthing Downs and also helps organise events.
Judy Murfitt Judy joined the Friends Committee in 2012 after retiring from the NHS. Judy helps organise and run events.
Councillor Chris Wright (Coulsdon East Ward) Chris serves on many Council committees including: Croydon Greenlink, Downlands Countryside Management Project Steering Group and the Environment Partnership. Locally he chairs the Friends of Bradmore Green Pond and Friends of Coulsdon Coppice. Chris is also Chair of Governors at Coulsdon College. Chris is a founder member of the Friends.
Steve Bruce, Farthing Downs Ranger Steve attends Friends committee meetings and is their link with the City of London. Steve supports the Friends events and activities and keeps the Committee up to date with all issues relating to Farthing Downs and other Coulsdon Commons.